A bridge to help you get over your moat
Hello, my name is Amy and I am a bridge.
What is that, you might ask? Well, I help. I help people find themselves, find their dreams, find their rickety bridges, and cross those darn bridges to get to the life they deserve on the other side. I am a voice, your voice in your head, speaking what you probably already knew all along and just got so caught up in wherever you are in your life, that you couldn’t hear that voice. (Hey, it’s me. I’m still here.)
As a bridge, I try to help, through listening and feeling, from your perspective, then infusing my take on your challenge to help create a path, a strategy, a bridge, first from here to there and, then, from there to here, a place of strength and survival of the greatest kind.
My philosophy is that life is how we perceive it. Even amidst deep and dark pain and discomfort, we can choose to see the light. Okay, that’s awful to say. You’re probably, and rightfully, thinking “f-ck you,” Amy. Because right now, all you may be feeling is pain. And I am so sorry. In many many cases, finding the light is so much easier said than done. And in no way do I mean to depreciate or invalidate your hardship or pain. One thing I have definitely learned on my own road…pain is all relative. We all have our own stuff to deal with. No comparing. Hard is hard, no matter the thing. And it sucks like hell getting through.
But sometimes, all we need is a little glimmer, a reminder of light, a little shred of hope, something to hang onto, to remind us that we WILL get through. Not only will we get through, we will shine. If you’re willing and wanting. I want to help you to do just that – shine – and, even before, find the light and the warmth that will help build the fire. But, first, YOU have to want it. Do you want to be happy? If so, how badly?
Those seem like silly questions. ”Of course I want to be happy,” you might be thinking. But I assure you, I have encountered enough people in my life who say they want to be happy, but then really do not. They are overrun by clinging to familiarity, in this case negativity, leading to unhappiness and the false notion that the “happiness” they claim they want is unattainable. It is a toxic cycle hard to break and you have to truly want to break it for in order for it to work.
But since you are here, reading this, I am going to assume you actually want happiness, either for the first time or again. You will have it.
But you have to make the commitment to find it and allow it. Not the cheesy “happiness is already here if you see it” kind of crap that makes me a bit angry when I’m caught up in challenges. Sure, let me just ignore all the turmoil I’m going through right now and see the bright side. Yeah. I’ll get right on that.
However, there is a way to kind of, sort of, do this tactfully, and set yourself up for a cascade of positive in the place of the negative. It is largely a matter of perspective. How do you get a new perspective? I use all kinds of trickery and tactic to bounce myself out of the drudge. But what I have found works best is what I call in-sight visualization. It’s not so much about visualizing our dream lives and then living into them, although this is also an important step on any journey to where you want to go. But first, we must blast through negative scripts, hang-ups, and blockades. When the world seems befuddled or dark or cold, it is sometimes too much of a jump to go from here to that “happy place” right away.
So what is accessible? What is relatable? What can I visualize within reach that will keep me going and get me over this hurdle?
I have come up with something called an in-sight. I don’t like to call it a method, because it really isn’t. It’s more of a learned way out of rough stuff in our heads. Don’t worry. It’s simple.
And utilizing them is an art that you can apply to even creating your own, setting yourself up for more easy-to-reach positive flow and readying yourself in case another challenge comes your way. Through encouragement, support, and helpful in-sights, we will – wait, YOU will – find your happy. Let’s get started.