Infinite Gumption Lessons

Stepping Into the Light - 8 Steps to Your Best Life


One – Realizing/Listening

Moving toward the light.

Follow your heart, purpose, destiny. Don’t let curve balls, letdowns, fears, disappointments, darkness get you down. Don’t let anything stop you.

Choose to live your best life.


Two – Surviving

Take stock of the situation.

What can you do in the here and now?

What is changing as we speak?

What little steps can be made? They aren’t as little when they add up and you keep going.

What are you not acknowledging and validating?

What part of you longs to come out?

Where are you?

What is your ideal self?

Break free and let it rip.


Three – Moving/Shifting

Just keep moving.

Don’t let “reality,” life, anything, stop your momentum. And if you do, push, go, shift if necessary, then try again.


Four – Learning/Discarding

Lessons learned.

Take your lessons, read them, heed them…then throw them away. Learned, check! Then move on.


Five – Owning


Always come back to this. You may deviate. You may falter. But to stay on your path, to get where you want to go, you need to come back to yourself in the craziness. Not as easy as it sounds. But you must.


Six – Igniting

Find a fire.

Whether it is in you, out of you, in someone else…light yourself with it when you are down, dragging, lost.


Seven – Finding/Knowing

Have a vision.

Know where you want to go. Again, sounds easy. Not always so. When you are lost, befuddled, confused, hurt, in pain…the last thing you want to do is ponder your vision. But pick pieces of light until it becomes a good one. Move toward it until the view becomes whole.


Eight – Believing


In order for all of this to work, you must believe. Because if you don’t, who will?

You. That’s who.